5 Native Plants that Attract Hummingbirds

5 Native Plants that Attract Hummingbirds – Free Planting Plan

5 Native Garden Plants that Attract Hummingbirds

5 native plants that attract hummingbirds – There are hundreds of wildflowers and plants that Hummingbirds will visit regularly to feed, in-fact as they migrate across the country they search for specific wild and garden plants to feed from, often resorting to feeders filled with sugar-water when flower nectar is in short supply.

Hummingbirds also need water and shelter to protect them during their travels and a garden filled with colorful plants and native habitat will encouarge the hummers to feed, rest and perhaps even nest and raise young.

Bright colors attract many speiecs of birds, shades of Red in-particular is a favorite of many Hummingbird species and should be included in any Garden planting plan for Hummingbirds.

Hummingbirds rely on flower nectar and you will most likely see them feeding from a colorful bloom, but they also feed on small insects, spiders, pollen and sap. Hummers have few predators due to their agility and quick response, however young Hummingbirds can be suseptable to dramatic changes in temperture, rain and physical barries like vehicles or windows.

A great way to attract Hummingbirds and all essential pollinators is to add native North American plants to your garden. If you have the money to spend and want to copy the list below and ask your local native plant center for these as young plants or try these easy to grow natives from seed. Native perennials raised from seed often flower in the second year once they have matured and will continue to flower for many years after.

I have selected 5 types of perennial American native flower seeds to grow your collection, that are easy to grow, support each other and attract a variety of wildlife and pollinators to your garden.

Sowing this seed mix at home and in your garden, school, or local park can help start a garden from a piece of waste ground, better results will be achieved if the area is cleared of all perennial weeds and the soil lightly tilled before sowing seed mix best-sown Fall thru Spring.

Many native or naturalized plants are tough and hardy that will survive all but the poorest conditions, so invite them home to an unused corner of your garden. Mix selected after years of observing pollinators feeding in my own urban backyard, estates and gardens I manage.

I have selected these nectars filled Summertime blooms proven to attract Hummingbirds, and many species butterflies.

Perennial Wild Flowers โ€“ x5 packets of perennial seeds

Hummingbird Flowers โ€“ *25-50 Seeds per species approx – Hummingbird Perennial Mix 1 โ€“ Full Sun Dry to Mesic Soil

Rudbeckia โ€“ Yellow coneflower 
Gailardia โ€“ Blanket Flower
Verbena โ€“ Blue vervain
Agastache โ€“ Anise hyssop
Echinacea โ€“ Purple coneflower

See Mix 2: Hummingbird Perennial Mix 2 โ€“ for Part Sun Dry to Mesic Soil

Easy to grow native seed mix, gift pack will provide many seasons of color and 3d wildlife attracted to your friendโ€™s garden, plants, or pots.

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