Transforms your outdoor space into a thriving habitat! 

Gardeners who embrace native plants create thriving ecosystems that support biodiversity, attract pollinators, and enhance soil health. By choosing native species, you will foster resilient landscapes that require less water, fertilizer, and maintenance, providing essential habitats for wildlife, preserving regional plant heritage, and ecological restoration.

grow native plants
Discover the benefits of growing native plants at home. Start a native plant garden it’s a commitment to the health of our family, community, and ecosystem.
grow native plants
Do you have questions, Need Support, A Consultation, or an Eco-Garden Speaker? We are excited to meet you and help you with your native plant garden needs.
echinacea coneflower
Follow a Step-by-Step Eco-Garden Evaluation Guide and Fourteen Essential Resources. A beginner's guide on evaluating your garden’s native plant potential.
grow native plants
Grow Keystone Native Plants from Seed from 99c
Small steps encourage momentum, starting a few native plants at home can start a lifelong hobby or career.

Frequently Asked Questions

Thinking of starting a garden or looking to learn some new ecologically friendly techniques to apply to your own garden? 

Native plants are slowly becoming widely available, if you do not have a local grower specialising in native plants then look for an online plant seller in your state. Alternatively grow your own from seed.

Growing native plants is much easier than growing tropicals and annuals. Start  with the basic’s, it is important to decide early on how much time you have available to garden.

Create a plan setting a few hours asdide each week or each day to get outdoors and garden. A walk through the neighbor hood can be inspirations.

Identify the things your friends and family are doing well and make a plan to incorporate new ideas to your own gardens development.

Start with a few simple crops and flowers, cash crops are easy, fast growing vegetables raised from seed that will provide a harvest in just a few weeks.

Choose good starter plants that germinate quickly and need little care and attention, these will grow to be your go to crops and great for  intercropping between rows of slower growing vegetables..

Whilst the internet is a fantastic resource it is also easy to find conflicting information.

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Our Green Planet is in crisis - Time to restore natural balance.

Planting eco-regional native habitats help provide food, herbal remedies, and building materials for all of life's creatures. I believe in local growers, growing affordable native plants.

Invite Wildlife Home with a Pollinator Friendly Garden.

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Wildlife-friendly gardening tips, planting plans, and aftercare.